Archive for August, 2003
Euro coins pocket collector 1.1 RELEASED!
Posted by Albegor in Euro Coins Pocket Collector, Mobile, Software on August 30, 2003
Ecpc version 1.1 has been just released and you can review the list of improvements in the Updates page! 🙂
Then go straight to the Download page and follow the links to get the new Demo and buy the Full version from PocketGear or Handango.
I’ve also updated the FAQ page and as you can read in the question about the price policy, now Ecpc has a price that reflects better its features!
I hope to start an advertising campaign in september, since word of mouth is a small drop in the vast ocean of marketing opportunities.
Enjoy the new version!
Ecpc swapping page opened!
Posted by Albegor in Euro Coins Pocket Collector, Mobile, Software on August 27, 2003
The moment you were waiting for has come at last! 🙂
I’ve just opened the swapping page, through which Ecpc users can share their collection files and then swap Euro coins privately.
I hope this will be enough to convince the many undecided among you about purchasing Ecpc that I’m working really hard to provide the best service! 🙂
The current promotional price won’t last long, and Ecpc version 1.1 is already in the final testing…
Portugal 1 Euro coin Type 2 variant
Posted by Albegor in Euro Coins Pocket Collector, Mobile, Software on August 23, 2003
I’ve just discovered that the only two 1 Euro coins from Portugal in my collection are both Type 2 variants, since their edges have 3 x 28 stripes, instead of the regular 3 x 29.
In the picture below you can see the two portuguese Euros on the top and on the bottom, while the center Euro is austrian, which I’ve inserted between them to make the edge stripes comparison clear.
Just count the stripes! 😉
I put one of those Type 2 coins in my collection and the other one in the swap list, both lists in the Ecpc file format, of course.
Did I mention swap list files? There’s a surprise coming up in the next few days… 8)
Euro coins in The Pianist?
Posted by Albegor in Euro Coins Pocket Collector on August 19, 2003
In what’s becoming a sort of personal Blog I’d like to share with you a little funny thing.
I love watching DVDs on the PC, especially historic films, and while I was watching The Pianist by Roman Polanski I spotted a curious scene: here’s when the guy just asked Szpilman to stop playing the piano for a while because he’s checking the coins to see if they’re real or false by hearing their sound as they fall on the table… well, don’t they look like 50 cents Euro coins? 😉
Just joking, they’re some polish sloty coins I suppose, but… hey! That’s exactly the same procedure I used to record the sound effects for the coins in Ecpc!
By the way this is a film as much great as tragic, really worth to be seen until the last note accompanying the last line of the credits…
Ecpc on Handango Deutschland and in the Pocket PC Magazine Encyclopedia
Posted by Albegor in Euro Coins Pocket Collector, Mobile, Software on August 15, 2003
Thanks to Andreas Biermann, who translated in german the press release and the product details page, Ecpc is now is available on Handango Deutschland.
I hope to find soon some good guy who’ll help me translating Ecpc in German, a language pretty difficult for me.
Also Ecpc is now listed in the Pocket PC Magazine Encyclopedia of software and accessories.
A special greeting goes to whoever is working in spite of the infernal hot of the last days! 🙂
Cardinello Gorge trip and mini contest winner
Posted by Albegor in Euro Coins Pocket Collector on August 11, 2003
I fully recovered from the nice birthday toast with friends thanks to a trip along the Via Spluga, from Isola (1283m) to Stuetta (1900m) passing through the spectacular Cardinello Gorge, the historical trail famous for the tragic mission of the napoleonic troops of the Second Corps led by General Alexandre McDonald, who ventured into it in the late autumn of 1800 to join with the italian Army.
The funny thing was that on one of the steps dug out into the rock someone wrote his e-mail address!
Update: someone did actually reply at that e-mail address! Ciao Federico! 😉
Finally, congratulations to Carl F. Jensen, the danish winner of the birthday mini contest!!
His nice e-mail makes me glad to send him a Special Edition of Ecpc! 🙂
Ecpc mini birthday contest!
Posted by Albegor in Euro Coins Pocket Collector, Mobile, Software on August 8, 2003
It’s going to be a very nice toast this evening, with lots of good beer!
In the meantime I’m still working and I’ve just added a simple as much as important question to the Ecpc FAQ page.
Then I’d like to propose this mini contest today: I’ll reward whoever will send me the best e-mail with his birthday wishes with a Special Edition of Ecpc!
So, don’t be shy, but be creative! 🙂
Ecpc promotion at my birthday party tomorrow
Posted by Albegor in Euro Coins Pocket Collector, Mobile, Software on August 7, 2003
During this week I’ve been busy with the organization of a small party for my birthday at the near Bi-du brew-pub.
Tomorrow, 8 August, I’ll be 28 years old and I thought this could be a very good chance have a toast with a dozen of friends and the great beer they make at the Bi-du to properly celebrate the beginning of my career as an independent developer. 🙂
I got the proper authorizations a bit too late maybe, but the management of the brew pub has agreed to the idea to try promoting the recently released Ecpc, so here’s the deal:
I’ll pay a beer to whoever comes to the Bi-du tomorrow evening with a regularly purchased copy of Euro coins pocket collector on his Pocket PC!
Visit their website to see how to reach the brew-pub, located in Rodero, in the province of Varese, north of italy.
Update: the official discussion about the promotion toast is available in the Italian Hardware Upgrade forum here and here!
Ecpc for Pocket PC 2000 in testing and new recommended software
Posted by Albegor in Euro Coins Pocket Collector, Mobile, Software on August 5, 2003
While I’m busy testing the version of Ecpc built for devices with the Pocket PC 2000 operative system, which will also includes some minor but nice enhancements, I’ve updated the list of recommended software in the My Pocket PC page, adding the useful Freeware PHM Power Toys by Philippe Majerus and the excellent RepliGo by Cerience, the conversion and synchronization software which is rapidly becoming a standard to make documents really portable on multiple platforms.
As a side note, the emulator in the Pocket PC 2000 SDK is really ugly, but it’s much faster than the better looking one included in the Pocket PC 2002 SDK, at least on my desktop PC.
Take a look: 🙂
Traffic limit almost hit!
Posted by Albegor in Euro Coins Pocket Collector, Mobile, Software on August 1, 2003
I can’t believe it has happened in such a short time frame and in this holiday period!
My little website has almost hit the 1,5Gb of monthly traffic limit in just about a couple of weeks since its opening!
I’m simply amazed and also very happy, since now the current italian hosting provider has a promise to keep. 😉
I wish to thank again the french visitors in particular, since their contribution has been fundamental during this week to reach that limit.
I know, I know that you want to see Ecpc translated in french as soon as possible and you won’t be disappointed!
I’d like to remember that I’m still searching for help to translate Ecpc in the other european languages, as I wrote in the Wishlist.
Finally I forgot to mention that the announcement of the release of Ecpc also appeared on Mobigeeks, the SorobanGeeks forum, XDA-Italia and Palmio.