Archive for June, 2007

LaboratorioComo at Villa Grumello

LaboratorioComoA wonderfully restored villa, facing the enchanted sight of the lake of Como, high level speakers and a perfect organization by the Como Chamber of Commerce’s staff.

These were the ingredients of the five evenings of LaboratorioComo, the initiative wanted by Paolo de Santis, Como Chamber of Commerce’s President, aimed to educate and stimulate new entrepreneurs through the creation of an elite education school in the area named Kilometer of knowledge, going from Villa Olmo to Villa Erba passing by Villa Grumello, where the event took place.

The level of the speakers was really excellent, it was a pleasure listening to experienced people talking about arguments I’m involved into: becoming an entrepreneur, using technology to valorize cultural heritage, keeping the bound with our territory, working in a pleasant environment and most of all being creative in order to be able to turn problems into opportunities and make products with a social function.

In particular I was impressed by the words of engineer Giuseppe Natta, founder of Ecodeco Spa and maker of the La Cassinazza, by the speech of Davide Rampello, President of La Triennale and by director Paolo Lipari with his “Wait a moment… what if?”, synthesizing the moment in which a team’s creativity unleashes the power to break old schemas.

After these five evenings I felt like there’s a favorable wind blowing into our direction about what we’re doing with i-muse! 🙂

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Vespatour 2006 Part 10: from Monteriggioni to Montieri

San GalganoMy solo-journey of the last summer, the Vespatour, continued from Florence towards southern Tuscany.

I slept one night at the Ostello del Chianti in Tavarnelle Val di Pesa and I enjoyed it thanks to the people I met there: Silvia, the hostel’s manager, and Alessio, a biker from Torino.

Valentina, a girl I met in Florence, recommended me to visit the mysterious Monteriggioni stronghold and to search for the even more mysterious cats without tail living there.

So I did it, and in the evening of august 15 I also visited San Gimignano, the town with 100 towers.

The following day was no less intensive. Following a recommendation from Elisa, a friend from Como, I visited San Galgano’s Abbey and I saw the mythic sword inside the rock! 8)

Then I reached La Meridiana in Montieri in the Maremma area to bring Elisa’s greetings to Mrs. Mirella, the manager of the agritourismo.

In Palazzetto, along the road to Siena to attend the Palio, I met by chance Alberto, Angelo e Claudio, three Vespa-riders from Mantua and we lunched together.

Here are the 47 photos of the “authentically Tuscan” tenth gallery of the Vespatour! 🙂

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Habemus i-muse

i-museIf it sounds too bold or solemn let’s try in this way: i-muse is ready! 😀

The PDA guide, the core of our entrepreneurial project, is ready to be tested!

Since this week the staff of the Educational Silk Museum of Como, who kindly allowed us to build the first contents for the guide according to the exhibits placed inside the rooms, began testing i-muse and evaluating its potential both from the technological and multimedia contents points of view.

Now we’re starting an intense invitation-only test phase in which we’ll test i-muse with different typologies of people and at the end of the visit we’ll ask them to fill a feedback questionnaire, a phase which will quickly bring us to the official presentation press conference.

We’re proud of the work we did so far and we feel ready for the fire test, the moment in which the guide will go into the hands of visitors. 🙂

Maybe we don’t realize it well enough by ourselves yet, but we have a great social responsibility with this project.

We created i-muse for you, bending technology to the service of you as visitors of museums and art events, so you’ll be the judges and you’ll tells us if we hit the target! 😉


Looking Out: Young Art Exhibition in Lurago d’Erba

Guardando FuoriIlaria, the art lover who “lend” her voice for the guide in i-muse ;), is the curator of an art exhibition that will be inaugurated on saturday june 2 at the Salone Age Parrucchieri in Piazza Vittorio Veneto 13 a Lurago d’Erba, not too far from Como.

For i-muse Ilaria did a great job, so it’s a pleasure for me publishing his announcement: 🙂

Guardando fuori è la seconda e più famosa mostra d’arte giovane, promossa dal Salone Age Parrucchieri in collaborazione con la Biblioteca Comunale di Lurago d’Erba e con il contributo di quattro imprese brianzole: Age Giardini, Edil Alfa3, Ferrari Impianti e Poliform. All’inaugurazione verranno offerti da La Coccinella di Albiate caffè e vecchi dolci dimenticati.
Guardando fuori prosegue a portare la sperimentazione creativa all’interno della vita reale, descrivendo in modo verosimile, la realtà delle piazze italiane, soprattutto quelle di provincia. Molte tele dipinte e molte stampe fotografiche presentate sono strumenti per acquisire la verità di ciò che si vede.
La mostra è caratterizzata dalla particolare laboriosità di Chiara Aldeghi e Antonio Bernardo, che presentano situazioni reali stereotipate, deformate ed estremizzate.
Le tele di Antonio Bernardo, articolate in sezioni che presentano gli elementi peculiari della piazza/sagrato e i personaggi che li popolano, sono state precedute dalle fotografie che l’artista ha utilizzato per i suoi dipinti.
Le fotografie di Chiara Aldeghi descrivono la piazza vera e propria; sulla base di alcuni specifici riferimenti si può immaginare che essa sia situata a Lurago d’Erba. La piazza accoglie un mercatino dell’usato, un’insegna di avventurosa costruzione e una vasta offerta di personaggi. La descrizione di questi uomini e donne è ottenuta tramite un brillante uso della luce, della posizione e dei colori.
I personaggi che popolano la piazza comprendono moltissime figure dell’immaginario collettivo: il tecnico, sedicente esperto di calcio e di qualsiasi altro argomento, il professore, filosofo e studioso di figure femminili, il tuttofare, il bimbo. E poi il nonno, il fattorino scapestrato, il carabiniere e le anziane signore che discutono esclusivamente di necrologi.
Nella piazza si discute di improbabili eroi, le cui storie costituiscono un racconto nella mostra.

Doppia personale di Chiara Aldeghi e Antonio Bernardo
2 giugno – 17 giugno 2007
Salone Age Parrucchieri, Vittorio Veneto 13
Orari: festivi 10 – 12; 15 – 19

Sabato 2 giugno 2007 – ore 17.00
Salone Age Parrucchieri
Lurago d’Erba – Vittorio Veneto 13
