Archive for January, 2008

2008: Year of the Rat

Anno del TopoThe year of the pig is ending and the year of the rat will begin on february 7, according to chinese calendar.

During the last days of december, quiet days spent in creative laziness, I didn’t stop thinking about the events that led me here.

I browsed the i-muse category to recall the stops that led to the founding of Togunà Interactive, watching the Torontolati’s Gallery in particular, which tells the funny canadian adventure.

Even the photo galleries of the Vespatour and the meetings I attended together with the members of Vespa Club Como are among the most pleasant memories of 2007.

A year of big investments actually, fundamental to be able to start my first entrepreneurial activity.

An experience that until now taught me that developing a competitive software is nothing compared to the challenge of finding an agreement with five different people, me included, in order to be able to start a new hi-tech company in a country recently criticized by international press due to its economic, political and social issues.

A wise teaching from hinduism says that man is the real limit of himself. I agree, and I think that it will depend only on ourselves if we’ll manage to turn the good presentations done until now into a profitable business.

Let’s see if the rat will get the cheese in 2008.

Happy year of the rat! 🙂

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