Archive for December, 2008

La Punta dell’Iceberg

A lot of things happened in 2008, and what I wrote on the blog is only the tip of the iceberg.

However, should I really make a choice, the thing that impressed me the most has been the evening walk in the Red Square when I was in Moscow with the Virtual Tailor of Cernobbio: misterious, fascinating and… I didn’t expect it was not flat at all! 😀

Travels, exhibitions, events and meetings filled a 2008 that ended with such a concentration of good news in the last two months to make 2009 full of good expectations.

And even bad or unpleasant things, once elaborated, become part of the luggage of experience I’ll bring with me in the new year.

As the last thing of the year I’d like to thank the people whom I felt close during difficult times and send a special greeting to who called me crazy since I ride my Vespa with any kind of weather! 😉

Welcome to 2009 and its wind of change!

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Ciao Willy!

WillyIt’s incredible how we can build a relationship as close  as with a family member with a creature so different from us human beings!

It happened with my cat Willy, and now that an obscure incurable illness has taken him away, all that’s left is the memory of the best moments spent caressing him, playing hide and seek, and why not, replying accordingly to his mewings. 🙂

Found 9 years ago in the area where they were building the Dadone complex in Como, Willy – the reddish tiger, become the family’s pet, a catalyst of our relations in times of trouble and in the course of time showed us that “divine feline detachment with which he measured himself with the things of the world”.

The quote is by Federico Roncoroni and comes from his Amici Mici published by Edizioni Ulivo, as are these lines that Willy certainly knew:

The true owner
A cat you believe you own
and he just to please you
makes you believe
he loves to be owned.
the truth lies elsewhere.
You do not own a cat,
the cat owns you.
Now that you know it,
never forget it:
you are the cat
of the cat you own.

Thanks to all my dear friends who stood by me in such a difficult time.


i-muse at Touristech 2008

TouristechGiving an effective presentation is pretty difficult task and Guido actually did it by presenting i-muse at Touristech 2008! 🙂

On november 28, in the Sala Affreschi of Palazzo Isimbardi in Milan, we attended the third edition of the conference organized by Wireless and dedicated to innovative technologies for tourism.

The presentations were almost all interesting, each one focused on a different information technology tool: from web 2.0 style mobile service platforms to community portals for specific sectors such as sailing, from theatrical podcasts for historical town tours to i-muse, our videoguide platform which aims to make its technology so transparent that the user can see only one thing: quality contents!

An objective not so easy to demonstrate we achieved, as discussed at the conference: the only method is using it and Guido explained this by talking about the i-muse installation project at Villa Bernasconi in Cernobbio and its possible evolution.


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