A as Adventure by Anna Maspero

A Come AvventuraA as Avventura (adventure), B as Bagaglio (luggage), C as Cibo (food), D as Donna (Woman).. and so on till the last letter of the alphabet. 🙂

This is the original layout of the book by Anna Maspero, a traveler living in Como who turned into words her numerous adventures around the world.

A book which captured me for the many hints of reflection about the essence of traveling, which is the metaphor of the life, as Anna says. I read it while I was still mentally elaborating the events of the intense journey I did last summer on my Vespa around Italy, so it has been very useful for me.

I met Anna at the presentation of the book at the local library in Como organized in collaboration with the staff of Il Sole since the earnings of the book were going to be employed for the project Reborning Flowers.

Anna writes we travel “to escape from the routine, but even as habit; for pleasure as to live new experiences and emotions; to follow a dream and to forget an broken love affair; to learn or simply for a wish of freedom; for the joy to leave and for coming back.

Well, there actually has been all of this in my solo Vespatour.

“For Davide, have a good road!” she wrote as dedication on my copy of the book.

It has been so and it will be again, thanks Anna! 🙂

  1. #1 by Albegor on February 21, 2007 - 5:00 pm

    Anna che ora è in Oman 😮 mi ha scritto dicendomi che ha da poco anche lei un suo blog:


  2. #2 by macTeo on February 22, 2007 - 3:16 pm

    Ciao Davide, ho riaperto il blog, eccoti il link http://mad4mac.altervista.org

  3. #3 by Albegor on February 23, 2007 - 10:07 am

    Ciao Teo, non male per un Mac-Lover! 😉

    Fichissimi i wallpaper, quello della matita su tutti. 🙂

  4. #4 by Anna on February 28, 2007 - 4:37 pm

    grazie a te Davide, sono contenta che il libro ti sia piaciuto. Sono appena rientrata dal bel viaggio in Oman, un Islam diverso dall’immagine fondamentalista oggi così diffusa. E sono subito passata dall’editore del libro, perchè la prima edizione è terminata e quindi questa settimana procede alla ristampa. Ho anche un calendario di presentazioni piuttosto fitto, accompagnate da una videoproiezione: andate sul mio blog acomeavventura.com, sotto Anna ed Eventi per l’elenco (che sto completando).
    Ancora grazie e un augurio a tutti di buon viaggio e buona lettura! Anna

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