Updates with 2 Euro commemoratives 2013

Euro Coin Collection HD for iPad and Euro Coin Collection for iPhoneVersion 1.6 of Euro Coin Collection for iPhone and version 1.2HD for iPad are on App Store!

14 new 2 Euro commemoratives 2013 have been added, some of them already issued while others announced for the second half of the year.

2013 was going to be an interesting year for collectors of Euro coins, since many countries announced the issue of two different series of 2 Euro commemoratives, but it became even more interesting due to Benedict XVI’s historic resignation.

Vatican recently issued a 2 Euro commemorative coin for the Sede Vacante MMXIII, included in this update, and at later date the italian Mint will also issue new Euros with Pope Francesco‘s effigy.

Another new feature added to both versions of the app are the country initials on flag icons: it may seem trivial, but it was suggested by a number of collectors since associating flags to each of the 20 Euro-area countries isn’t that easy at the beginning.

Mac OSX version of the application was already announced a few months ago and it will soon be available on Mac App Store.
I’m completing tests and, most of all, I find very handy the synchronization of the collection via iCloud with all my mobile devices “made by Apple“, or better “designed by Apple in California“. 😉

Collectors using an iMac, MacBook or Mac mini can’t miss it! 🙂

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