When I got a copy of the issue number 13 of the italian magazine Il Mio Palmare, I was surprised and pleased to see my website mentioned in the overview about the scene of italian mobile application development! 🙂
This is the third time in a row, as you can read in the Magazine Reviews section I just updated, so I can’t but be grateful to them.
Since this issue they added a section, both on the CD and the magazine, about software for Smartphones to the usual ones about Palm OS, Pocket PC and Psion. A good move, in my opinion.
Also, Dario, CEO of QQAAXX, was glad of the article I wrote about QQAAXX’s product line for the local daily newspaper La Provincia.
You can read the article at this link in PDF format where you can notice this is the first time they wrote the address of the website below the sign, WOW! 🙂