Although spring isn’t in full swing yet, there’s a sort of feeling in the air, a feeling of change, I can tell it by looking at people and not just the weather.
With all the bad news from all around the world a laugh is what is needed to stay up with the mood and I definitely had lots of laughs on monday when I had the chance to attend to Zelig Circus, the most followed comic TV show in Italy, thanks to the staff of Il Sole. 🙂
We had a small booth inside the tent’s show and we took care of giving leaflets of the charity association to the 1800 people who were lucky enough to get a ticket for the show. It’s impressive when all the people clap their hands together while laughing at the jokes performed by Zelig’s characters, it’s very different from the small screen experience. 😉
I wasn’t allowed to take pictures during the recordings, but I took some before and after. The first two you see here are TV captures depicting the stage with the presenters Claudio Bisio and Vanessa Incontrada at the beginning of the show and the energetic Papy Ultras (Pino Campagna), one of my favorites!
I hope to be able to repeat the experience, in the meantime I spotted some interesting discounts in the PocketLand special offers, so I think I’ll make some software shopping for my Pocket PC in the next days before they expire. I just asked the activation of a discount code for EcPc to give the chance to anyone interested to add even my software to their Easter shopping cart. The code is 19570032670125A, it expires after 1st april and is automatically applied if you go to the special offers page.