Euro Coin Collection APP Reviewed on TV at Netcafé

Euro Coin Collection APP has been reviewed on TV at Netcafé by Gigi Beltrame!

It’s the italian TV show broadcast by Telelombardia I attended as guest in 2003, featuring Maria Remi and Gabriele di Matteo.

During his comment, Gigi highlighted an important aspect of the app: it’s curious, that’s what distinguish it from many others, something not easy to get at all, since there are more than 400.000 apps on the AppStore.

Then he considered it useful to anyone willing to discover coins from all the Euro-area countries, while collectors can use advanced features, thus exploiting the social component of the app, to quote his words.

Thanks to Gigi, technology journalist and director at, and dear greetings to Netcafé friends who remembered me even if so many years have passed.

Netcafé will be broadcast again since september, while the show goes on Top-Tech, the new italian digital TV channel dedicated to hi-tech.

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