Euro coins pocket collector wins the Special Award!

Yesterday has been one of the most incredible days of my life!

Not only I won the Special Award during the 1st Mobile Fun Awards organized by the magazine Wireless for the Mobile Fun Forum 2003, but also the national TV channel La7 recorded the award ceremony and later they even interviewed the winners, including me with Euro coins pocket collector on my Pocket PC!!!

Update: La7 did not broadcast the recording of the event, alas.

I’ll keep you updated on the press coverage of the event, which will include downloadable videos from the website and I can already say there’s much more to come!

This may turn into the market exposure I was in real need of… some managers from Toshiba, Palm, the italian QQAAXX and HP ( here not in a casual order 😉 ) were much more pleased to hear my sponsorship proposals after I won the award.

I even met some of Trecision ex-coworkers there, who did loud cheers during the prize-giving, but I was too deeply stirred to understand they came from them. 🙂

The prize-giving occurred at the end of a long morning with many presentations about the great opportunities of the mobile market in Italy.

The presentation of Enrico of Pocket PC Italia, which took place in the afternoon, was the most interesting one since he talked about wireless connectivity on Pocket PCs and Smartphones and showed some amazing hardware like the new XDA 2, two new Smartphones and the latest GPS Navigation software.

I caught a bit of flue, but this great satisfaction makes me forget it, and it better be this way since I’ve got a lot of work to do and I have to be fine for this friday… :mrgreen:

Here’s a scan of the plate of the award:


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