i-muse Featured on La Provincia

It really was a satisfaction being able to tell for the first time how the entrepreneurial idea which led me, Guido and Luca to create i-muse was born and evolved.

Sara Della Torre, the journalist author of the article about our project published on wednesday on the newspaper La Provincia, translated perfectly into words the whole story. 😀

During the interview I noticed that she was amazed by the numerous positive coincidences which happened during the evolution of the project, such as how I managed to involve Luca and Guido or how we created the logo. 😉

We still have a lot to demonstrate, we know this very well, but probably what isn’t too evident from the outside yet, or it’s a bit underestimated, is how much work we did until now to come to this point.

We’re now searching for a fourth extraordinary person. Finding him won’t be easy at all, so we start doing this early.

Thanks to the office at the Polytechnic things are moving fast now!

Meanwhile we enjoy the compliments the article on La Provincia granted us. 🙂


  1. #1 by Matteo (aka MacTeo) on January 20, 2007 - 2:56 pm

    Hmm nell’interfaccia ho intravisto l’utilizzo di icone mac style e kde style… la cosa mi fa piacere 😀

  2. #2 by Albegor on January 20, 2007 - 5:24 pm

    L’ha fatta Luca la prima bozza dell’interfaccia… ormai mesi fa!
    Non saranno quelle le icone della versione definitiva, ma l’ispirazione Mac-style è ok! 😉

  3. #3 by Dido on January 22, 2007 - 11:47 pm

    Che dire … grande soddisfazione che si ripeterà a breve … Dove? mi sa che sarà Davide a dirlo tramite Blog … e poi è meglio non vendere la pelle del lupo … 🙂

  4. #4 by Albegor on January 23, 2007 - 11:14 am

    Ho riletto l’articolo per la terza volta e devo dire che è davvero lusinghiero… non credevo potesse uscire così!

    La parte frase finale sui curricula mi ha ricordato quel che ha scritto in merito Seth Godin sul suo libro della Mucca Viola:

    Prima di mettervi a cercare lavoro, iniziate a pensare che cosa potete fare fin da oggi per non dovervi mai preoccupare di cercarne uno.

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