i-muse Usability Tests on Tafter

TafterIt’s a satisfaction watching the result of our work in the hands of people while they visit the Educational Silk museum of Como with i-muse, seeing them at ease and at the end satisfied while they recall the things which impressed them the most! 🙂

Most of them actually didn’t expect such a high quality of the guide in all its components: workings, graphics and contents.

Usability tests are going on, they’re allowing us to refine the software and recently I had the chance to explain how they are performed in an article published on the italian online magazine Tafter.

Usability is common sense, as Donald A. Norman says, and from the tests we made so far it seems result we wished to obtain is getting near: when people, at the end of their visit, comment only the contents it means the rest is ok, the i-muse formula works! 😉


  1. #1 by patrizia on August 13, 2007 - 11:58 am

    Volete far conoscere l’esatta pronuncia di i-muse e tanti altri prodotti con un nome inglese solitamente mal pronunciato in Italia? Richiedetene la pronuncia esatta al sito http://www.comesipronuncia.it
    Basta cliccare e si ascolta la pronuncia esatta di personalità e parole straniere usate quotidianamente in Italia

  2. #2 by Albegor on August 13, 2007 - 3:20 pm

    Grazie, interessante.
    i-muse si pronuncia così come ho già avuto modo di scrivere sul blog qui:


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