In a few days all the five of us will leave for Canada to demonstrate i-muse at the ICHIM 07, the international conference about informatics applied to cultural heritage that will take place in Toronto from the 24th to the 26th of october.
It’s an important chance to show the results of our work to the 300 invited people coming from all over the world, including researchers, sector experts and professionals.
Even the local daily newspaper La Provincia wished us good luck with an article by Sara della Torre.
It’s a big investment for us, although actually facilitated, since we are among the beneficiaries of the Bando Ingenio, a regional announcement of competition which guarantees us that the expenses sustained for the educational mobility will be refunded.
Meanwhile, we got some interest thanks to the paper about i-muse we wrote for the conference.
We’ll try to leave a positive impression and to enjoy the adventure.
We’re getting ready with the last things and then let’s go! 😀
#1 by Arnaldo Ostinelli on October 18, 2007 - 3:29 pm
In bocca al lupo!
#2 by Dalila e willy on October 18, 2007 - 5:09 pm
Bravo! Siamo contenti per te, fai un bel viaggio e buona fortuna!
#3 by Mike (o Mitch!) on October 18, 2007 - 8:27 pm
Forza Albegor …in bocca al lupo!
#4 by Alberto on October 18, 2007 - 9:09 pm
Complimenti a tutta la squadra e in bocca al lupo per la presentazione, andrà benone e iMuse diventerà veramente globale. Questo commento lo sto scrivendo con un palmare collegato in wireless con la mia rete domestica, un grazie a Davide che ha rivitalizzato la mia innata curiosità verso le novità!!! Buon viaggio a tutti
#5 by Dario Narduzzo on October 18, 2007 - 9:57 pm
Mi aggiungo all’in bocca al lupo! Facci saper com’è andata!
#6 by Albegor on October 19, 2007 - 10:27 am
Grazie a tutti!
Che crepi ’sto lupo! 🙂