On my Vespa, from Como to Santa Maria di Leuca, to discover a land unknown to me: the Salento! 🙂
After 3200km riding my Vespa I can say that such a long journey during the two central weeks of august was really worth it.
After a stop in Bologna and Bisceglie, hosted by relatives who took care of their favourite mad vespa fan ;), my Vespa flawlessly accompanied me on the visit to the most beautiful places in Puglia: from Ostuni to Gallipoli, Nardò, Santa Maria di Leuca, to the spectacular Ciolo Bridge, Castro, Otranto, Lecce, and to Melpignano, where I attended the final concert of the Notte della Taranta, an incredible example of territorial marketing!
150.000 people compressed in the small town danced the pizzica, an entertaining and sensual popular ballet, all night long.
They say Salento has peculiar curing properties, mainly due to three factors: colors as in chromotherapy, purifying substances spread through air by olive plants and the different iodine concentration of the two seas, Jonio and Adriatic, help to improve blood values just after a week of stay.
As they say… intra lu salentu tocca torni! (You have to come back to Salento!) 😀
#1 by Arnaldo on October 1, 2009 - 5:30 pm
Complimenti. Il Salento è veramente interessante, un posto da visitare. Complimenti anche per la qualità delle foto che descrivono bene i momenti più belli della vacanza.