Interview on Telereporter

The chance has been as much unexpected as important: together with Davide Marrone, author of the now celeb Skebby, I’ve been interviewed by the journalist Stefano Peduzzi for the TV broadcast Estate con Reporter! 😀

I talked about i-muse and the work we did at the Educational Silk Museum of Como.

In the studio there was also Prof. Mario Benassi of the Università degli Studi di Milano and Giovanni Giovannini, vice mayor in Corsico, who presented an innovative method to remove graffiti.

It was a long and challenging interview. I hope my performance was a good one and I managed to shown the competitive points that make i-muse great: here are the videos so that you can see for yourself! 😉


  1. #1 by Arnaldo on September 8, 2007 - 7:20 pm

    Bravo Davide. Non è facile rispondere alle domande davanti alla telecamera.

  2. #2 by Alessandro Gorla on September 9, 2007 - 9:23 am

    Davide, lo so che ti stai impegnando tantissimo per I-Muse, ma c’è ancora qualcosa che non hai osato fare…cambia pettinatura!!


  3. #3 by Albegor on September 9, 2007 - 9:40 am

    LOL! 😀
    In effetti non hai tutti i torti Ale, ma i consigli degli amici servono anche a questo, giusto? 😉

    Vero Arnaldo, ero un pò agitato perché sapevo che le domande sarebbero state a riposta aperta.

  4. #4 by sbrinz on September 13, 2007 - 2:43 pm

    🙁 Perché non riesco a vederlo?!?!?!

  5. #5 by Albegor on September 13, 2007 - 5:09 pm

    E’ compresso con , magari ti manca questo?

  6. #6 by sbrinz on September 17, 2007 - 10:16 am

    “…per…quelli che sentono un po’ male” (!!!???!!!) 😉

  7. #7 by Albegor on September 17, 2007 - 11:53 am

    Eheheheh, anche sulla guida “Molto Multimediale” qualcuno non ha risparmiato battutine! 😉

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