The Legend of the Good Italian Food

La Leggenda del Buon Cibo ItalianoDid you ever stop to carefully read the tag of a food package you purchased at a supermarket?

I rarely did it before reading Paolo Conti’s book.

It’s the synthesis of a three years long inquiry, containing a lot of information exposed in a clear and easy way.

The book deals with arguments ranging from the supermarkets power over the food chain, to the analysis of health emergencies caused by food adulteration, to the opposition between techno-food and eco-food.

All of this always taking into consideration the position of Italy compared to other countries: we have a good competitive advantage in the biologic food sector. 🙂

It’s an advantage mostly due to a slow industrialization process of the food production sector in our country, something which we can exploit now that the consumer attention towards good and genuine food is definitely increasing.

So there’s still hope in order to preserve the good italian food reputation over the next years, so that it won’t become a legend due to invasive production and conservation techniques, supermarkets economic interests and, last but not least, our buying decisions. 😉


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