The launch pad for the next year!

NewYearHere we are at the end of a year that was sparkling to say the least. 🙂

I hope that what’s happened in the second half of the 2003, from the release of Ecpc to the beginning of the collaboration with the local newspaper La Provincia, from the Mobile Fun Awards to the TV interview at NetcafĂ©, will be a solid launch pad for the 2004.

As always all of this couldn’t have been possible without the help of friends and the people I had the chance to meet in this period and who helped me in a way or the other.

I’d like to sincerely thank them by saying that I can almost hear them whispering a few but intense words, the words that Captain Miller (Tom Hanks) tells to James Ryan (Matt Damon) in the last touching scene of one of my favorite movies about World War 2 that I watched on DVD just a few days ago, Saving Private Ryan by Steven Spielberg: Earn this… earn it.

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