A wonderfully restored villa, facing the enchanted sight of the lake of Como, high level speakers and a perfect organization by the Como Chamber of Commerce’s staff.
These were the ingredients of the five evenings of LaboratorioComo, the initiative wanted by Paolo de Santis, Como Chamber of Commerce’s President, aimed to educate and stimulate new entrepreneurs through the creation of an elite education school in the area named Kilometer of knowledge, going from Villa Olmo to Villa Erba passing by Villa Grumello, where the event took place.
The level of the speakers was really excellent, it was a pleasure listening to experienced people talking about arguments I’m involved into: becoming an entrepreneur, using technology to valorize cultural heritage, keeping the bound with our territory, working in a pleasant environment and most of all being creative in order to be able to turn problems into opportunities and make products with a social function.
In particular I was impressed by the words of engineer Giuseppe Natta, founder of Ecodeco Spa and maker of the La Cassinazza, by the speech of Davide Rampello, President of La Triennale and by director Paolo Lipari with his “Wait a moment… what if?”, synthesizing the moment in which a team’s creativity unleashes the power to break old schemas.
After these five evenings I felt like there’s a favorable wind blowing into our direction about what we’re doing with i-muse! 🙂