Lucca is a town of magic: I already wrote this when I visited it last year for the first time during the Vespatour.
This year I had the chance to get back to Lucca thanks to Lu.Be.C 2007, the event dedicated to the combination of ICT and cultural heritage organized by Promo P.A. Foundation at the Real Collegio.
A combination which isn’t exactly a marriage in Italy yet: I had the feeling that Public Administration representatives managing cultural heritage and entrepreneurs offering the so called additional services, too often speak different languages.
It’s a natural defect of computer science engineers making things only they can use, and in my opinion this is the strongest barrier in the dialogue between the two sides.
We try to do our part with i-muse: technology, PDAs and Rfid in our case, it’s just a tool.
What really matters is that the service we provide boasts quality and visitors actually benefits from it.
Along this line I appreciated the brilliant speeches of Andrea Granelli, advisor of the Minister of Cultural Heritage, and Ilaria D’Uva from D’Uva Workshop.
Who knows if next year at Lu.Be.C we’ll be able to report some progress towards this marriage thanks to i-muse. 😉