Meritocracy and Rules

Meritocrazia e RegoleCan a country or a company survive even if it doesn’t care about meritocracy?

Yes, probably, but just survive, since in the fast global market it’s destined to lose competitivity.

I read the two books, Meritocracy and Rules, with interest. They accurately analyze important subjects, often superficially mentioned in articles and debates on traditional media.

The first book by Roger Abravanel left me with a definitely optimistic impression: after an analysis of the value of recognizing and rewarding merit, as well as the best practices this social attitude can lead to in different environments, from small companies to public administration, Abravanel makes 4 realistic proposals to develop meritocracy culture in Italy.

The second one, written by Abravanel together with Luca d’Agnese, left me feeling a bit more pessimistic, since they unravel the causes that generated “vicious circles” of rules in our country, making it fall to the bottom of numerous international rankings about competitivity in various sectors.

We need to fire up “virtuous circles” of rules, because making rules is as much important as respecting them, to understand which of them needs to be canceled or changed.

However, if our country sits on the proverbial “rule made, cheat found”, we can forget to regain competitivity. 🙁

I think everything starts from schools and good teachers. Abravanel’s proposals about this are realistic and perhaps something is happening, slowly, while dinosaurs egoistically defending their positions are extinguishing…

The books are a must read even for startuppers. By definition a startup has to act quickly to become competitive, and in my experience this isn’t possible if startup members don’t really understand how important meritocracy is.


  1. #1 by Mario on May 21, 2011 - 10:56 am

    Felice di vederti tornato a bloggare.
    Il primo mi è piaciuto, devo leggere il secondo.
    L’argomento è serio, ma non disperiamo..

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