Netcafé backstage pictures online and #GPI Best Tutorial Contest results

This is a very bad day for Italy, especially for the families of the soldiers attacked by kamikazes at the Carabinieri’s headquarters in Nasiriya, Iraq.

However the show must go on, as they say with a bit of cynicism, and I’ve got two updates for the visitors of the website: first of all here are the backstage pictures of the interview at Netcafé and also the pictures of the Mobile Fun Awards.

Then #GameProg-Ita, which currently has some server problems, announced the results of the Best Tutorial Contest.

You can find my tutorial about Pocket PC development at this page, along with the comments of the jury. Aside from the result of the contest, I hope this will be an useful resource for the italian game development community and I think I’ll translate the tutorial in english and publish it here on the website as soon as possible.

Although I was glad to read the comments from Marco Trivellato of Milestone and from the other jurors, the results clearly rewarded the articles more technical than mine but, after all, it was the Best Tutorial Contest, not the Best Paper Contest! 😉

Congratulations to the winner, Federico “NinjaCross” Coletto!

MariaBettinaGabrieleFabioLuigi Paolo Perry

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