Posts Tagged Lucca
Villa Bernasconi: An Interactive Villa
On october 23 and 24 I’ve been in the magic Lucca together with the Togunà team to attend Lu.Be.C. 2008, one of the most important events in Italy about technology applied to the cultural heritage sector.
We were both among the 40 exhibitors with a booth and among the speakers in the afternoon conference dedicated to partnership case studies between public administration and private companies: the ideal opportunity to announce the i-muse installation project for Villa Bernasconi, a wonderful Liberty-style villa in Cernobbio, just recently restored.
Together with the Major of Cernobbio, Simona Saladini, Guido showed a demo of i-muse with the first contents made for the villa, impeccably speakered in Italian (thanks Melania!). 🙂
At the end of the two days in Lucca the team was really galvanized, a satisfaction that repays us of the hard work done until now to weave the web holding the startup in search of clients a bit at a time.
Big thanks to the staff of PromoPA, organizer the event, in particular to the patient Francesca Velani, Diana Lomas e Silvia Doberti! 😉
Nice were the eco-compatible exhibition desks and panels made entirely by cardboard and great was the concert at the Auditorium San Romano with spectacular lights effects by Son et Lumière.
LuBeC 2007: ICT and Cultural Heritage
Lucca is a town of magic: I already wrote this when I visited it last year for the first time during the Vespatour.
This year I had the chance to get back to Lucca thanks to Lu.Be.C 2007, the event dedicated to the combination of ICT and cultural heritage organized by Promo P.A. Foundation at the Real Collegio.
A combination which isn’t exactly a marriage in Italy yet: I had the feeling that Public Administration representatives managing cultural heritage and entrepreneurs offering the so called additional services, too often speak different languages.
It’s a natural defect of computer science engineers making things only they can use, and in my opinion this is the strongest barrier in the dialogue between the two sides.
We try to do our part with i-muse: technology, PDAs and Rfid in our case, it’s just a tool.
What really matters is that the service we provide boasts quality and visitors actually benefits from it.
Along this line I appreciated the brilliant speeches of Andrea Granelli, advisor of the Minister of Cultural Heritage, and Ilaria D’Uva from D’Uva Workshop.
Who knows if next year at Lu.Be.C we’ll be able to report some progress towards this marriage thanks to i-muse. 😉
Vespatour 2006 Part 6: Lucca
Lucca is a town of magic!
On august 10, 2006, when I visited it for the first time, fifth stop of my solo-journey around Italy I called Vespatour, I immediately felt at ease, almost safe, protected by the 4 Km long wall surrounding the town since centuries.
I discovered it thanks to the visit with an audioguide: the walk upon the walls, the towers with the roof-gardens, the churches, the oval square, the historical locals, the elegant San Frediano hostel, the delicious Tuscan slang and a detail representing the style and harmony of this italian jewel: the manholes shaped like the walls perimeter! 😀
I think I could live there and I’ll get back to Lucca for sure to be able to see it from the top of the Guinigi Tower, something I wasn’t able to do.
I hope the photos of the sixth gallery of the Vespatour will give you back some of Lucca’s magic. 😉
Enjoy the photos!