Posts Tagged Netcafé

Euro Coin Collection APP Reviewed on TV at Netcafé

Euro Coin Collection APP has been reviewed on TV at Netcafé by Gigi Beltrame!

It’s the italian TV show broadcast by Telelombardia I attended as guest in 2003, featuring Maria Remi and Gabriele di Matteo.

During his comment, Gigi highlighted an important aspect of the app: it’s curious, that’s what distinguish it from many others, something not easy to get at all, since there are more than 400.000 apps on the AppStore.

Then he considered it useful to anyone willing to discover coins from all the Euro-area countries, while collectors can use advanced features, thus exploiting the social component of the app, to quote his words.

Thanks to Gigi, technology journalist and director at, and dear greetings to Netcafé friends who remembered me even if so many years have passed.

Netcafé will be broadcast again since september, while the show goes on Top-Tech, the new italian digital TV channel dedicated to hi-tech.

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Netcafé interview subtitled, Creative Commons and Firefox

Netcafe InterviewThis is another thing I had to do since a long time of which I underestimated the importance, at least from a marketing point of view: I mean adding subtitles to the Netcafé TV interview. 🙂

Technically they’re captions, since I added them using Windows Media Encoder 9 tools. For the occasion I even re-encoded the videos at a higher quality.

I had the chance to show it to some friends on the Pocket PC, but the occasional visitor may easily miss it because he has to browse the site to find it and once found he can’t understand the language if it doesn’t know italian. That explains the work on the english subtitles and that hint to the visitor in a hurry at the top of the page. 😉

While transcribing the interview I liked in particular the questions at the end of the last part of the interview, when Gabriele asked me about the prices and the diffusion of PDAs with a bit of skepticism. Well, we are the country of mobile phones after all, as he often says, and we still have much difficulty to understand the true potential of PDAs not only as personal organizers but also as mini computers, at least compared to other countries. That may change quickly as PDAs with phone capabilities and new Smartphones will start to spread out.

I think my last answers will hold some true even for the next Christmases, who knows?

You may also notice on the left column of this page I adopted the Creative Commons license model for the contents of the website and the link to Firefox, the only browser I’m using.

I even ordered a custom CC shirt from Ken Mickles at I’ll take a picture of it once it’ll be here.

Watch the videos and stay tuned for more news about Ecpc. 8)

Update: we’re almost there, Ecpc 1.4 will be released in a few days. In the meantime you can read my latest articles about the Loox 720 and the Microsoft Genuine Advantage anti-piracy program published here on the local daily newspaper La Provincia.


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New Devices and Old Friends at SMAU 2004

Smau 2004On Friday 22 October I’ve been in Milan to attend SMAU 2004, the 41st International Exhibition of ICT and Consumer Electronics, the biggest event of this kind in Italy.

Although it’s getting smaller at every edition and this year even the big telecommunication operators such as TIM, Vodafone and Tiscali weren’t present, I’ve been able to spot something interesting in both the Windows Mobile and Palm worlds, to meet some old friends and to make a few new contacts.

In particular it has been a pleasure to meet again with Giorgio Cifani and Pino Paparone, the two Italian Microsoft MVPs for mobile devices, Enrico of Pocket PC Italia and Diego, editor of the Italian magazine Il Mio Palmare. There was even the troupe of Netcafé walking around the stands. 🙂

Here are some pictures I shot at the show. The first one is pretty curious. The new Asus A730 in VGA landscape mode with its 1.3Mpixel integrated camera pointed towards the HP stand, where visitors could find notebooks and printers, but alas none of their new iPAQs…

In the Windows Mobile corner of the big Microsoft stand Enrico showed me the new Qtek 9090, the Qtek 8010, the iPAQ 1710 and the Sagem My S7. For the Palm side of things at the Palmosoft stand I’ve been able to make a confrontation between the Tungsten T3 and the brand new Tungsten T5, both in 480×320 landscape mode.

At the end of the day I even got a good deal by purchasing the 2 DVDs box of the Schindler’s List movie, which I was searching for some time but I was not willing to pay it at full retail price. 😉

Asus A730Asus A716Qtek 9090Qtek 8010iPAQ 1710Sagem MyS7Palm T5Palm T5 vs T3

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Netcafé backstage pictures online and #GPI Best Tutorial Contest results

This is a very bad day for Italy, especially for the families of the soldiers attacked by kamikazes at the Carabinieri’s headquarters in Nasiriya, Iraq.

However the show must go on, as they say with a bit of cynicism, and I’ve got two updates for the visitors of the website: first of all here are the backstage pictures of the interview at Netcafé and also the pictures of the Mobile Fun Awards.

Then #GameProg-Ita, which currently has some server problems, announced the results of the Best Tutorial Contest.

You can find my tutorial about Pocket PC development at this page, along with the comments of the jury. Aside from the result of the contest, I hope this will be an useful resource for the italian game development community and I think I’ll translate the tutorial in english and publish it here on the website as soon as possible.

Although I was glad to read the comments from Marco Trivellato of Milestone and from the other jurors, the results clearly rewarded the articles more technical than mine but, after all, it was the Best Tutorial Contest, not the Best Paper Contest! 😉

Congratulations to the winner, Federico “NinjaCross” Coletto!

MariaBettinaGabrieleFabioLuigi Paolo Perry

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Netcafé Videos Now Online

As promised the videos of the interview at Netcafé are now online.

I tried to compress them without altering their quality, so that you can also view Maria in all her beauty! :mrgreen:

Now I can concentrate on the last few steps before the release of the new version 1.2 of Ecpc, a release introducing some new features such as the Compare&Swap mode and of course the full german translation.

Is there something better than releasing the new version just after winning an award and a TV interview?

A friend had a very funny answer to this question, but it wouldn’t be too polite writing it here! 😉

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My first time on TV!

NetcafeSo, why was the last friday so special for me? Well, because that day there was my first time on TV! :mrgreen:

I still can’t believe it! After winning the award I’ve been invited by the TV channel Telelombardia, at Netcafé, a weekly talk-show about new technologies presented by Gabriele Di Matteo with the help of Maria and Bettina.

I had the opportunity to not only show the award, but also to talk about Ecpc, show some Euro coins of my collection and talk a bit about me.

What a week! The flue didn’t allowed me to enjoy it at its fullest, but the flue is going away while the award and the TV attendance will stay! 🙂

I’m waiting 23:00 (GMT+1) to record the talk-show so that I can put the video of my interview on my website in the next days.

I even took some backstage photos with Maria and Bettina, but more details later. 😉

Meanwhile I’ve added the About page, in which you can read some more details about me, as well as seeing my business card made by a friend, a talented graphics artist, which includes the new logo you can now see on the top left.


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