Posts Tagged Willy

Blog Lifting

LiftingRather than a lifting, I had to do a plastic surgery operation to the blog!

It’s a metaphor to say that I had to work a lot to fix it: I rebuilt the whole database since I couldn’t access to the WordPress control panel any more, I suspect due to a non up-to-date installation or a buggy plugin.

So I checked and fixed all the 219 posts I wrote until now, both in italian and english, fixing broken links in the process.

Reading all the posts recalled me why I’m blogging: to collect memories and experiences I lived in first person and share them, hoping they can be useful to others.

Among the “dearest” posts, for example, there’s the one I wrote for the loss of my cat Willy.

Or the one with the videos of my first interview on TV… ehi, how long ago? I looked like a boy! 😉

Or event the one I wrote when I came back from the Vespatour… well, each post has a meaning, a little story to tell.

We’re living in times where looks are everything, even too much, so I tried to choose a simple but attractive theme, customizing Fusion by digitalnature.

Useful are the two accessibility functions on the top right of the page: clicking on Aa you can chance to font size, while <> changes the page width.

I couldn’t do without a plugin to manage sharing options on main social networks, and I choose the one made by LinksKu.

I hope you appreciate the new look, but that contents are the motivation for you to come back.


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Ciao Willy!

WillyIt’s incredible how we can build a relationship as close  as with a family member with a creature so different from us human beings!

It happened with my cat Willy, and now that an obscure incurable illness has taken him away, all that’s left is the memory of the best moments spent caressing him, playing hide and seek, and why not, replying accordingly to his mewings. 🙂

Found 9 years ago in the area where they were building the Dadone complex in Como, Willy – the reddish tiger, become the family’s pet, a catalyst of our relations in times of trouble and in the course of time showed us that “divine feline detachment with which he measured himself with the things of the world”.

The quote is by Federico Roncoroni and comes from his Amici Mici published by Edizioni Ulivo, as are these lines that Willy certainly knew:

The true owner
A cat you believe you own
and he just to please you
makes you believe
he loves to be owned.
the truth lies elsewhere.
You do not own a cat,
the cat owns you.
Now that you know it,
never forget it:
you are the cat
of the cat you own.

Thanks to all my dear friends who stood by me in such a difficult time.


Love Your Cat, Hate Its Litter

LitterKwitterThis is weird… take a deep breath because this is really weird! 🙂

Do you have a cat? Does he live in your house? If so you can’t but love it as you created a special relationship with him since it entered your home and actually took possession of it. 😉

So do I with my cat Willy and if you too have a cat then we have a little problem in common: the litter!

You have to take care of it, keeping it clean, regularly refilling it with new sand and disposing of your pet’s waste since it can’t do that by himself.

And here comes the solution: it’s named Litter Kwitter and it’s meant to gradually train your cat to use the toilet!

Well, I told you this was pretty weird
 as weird as a genial solution to a common problem that no one has thought of yet can be.

The idea of the Litter Kwitter came to the australian entrepreneur Jo Lapidge by watching the movie with Ben Stiller and Robert De Niro, Meet the Parents. In the movie you can see the superb performance of the cat, Mr. Jinks, using De Niro’s toilet.

So Jo designed a system to train a pet to do the same. There are three steps to follow to make him getting used to climb onto the toilet pan, putting the claws in the right position, keeping steady and quietly performing his intimate business.

The three stages are well explained on the Litter Kwitter official website and in the DVD included with the package.

I purchased it since I was amazed by this idea and the advantages resulting from a successful training: no more litter and a bit more hygiene at home!

Cats are smart, you know that very well if you live with one, or even more than one, but they are also creatures of habit, so you should proceed very carefully with this method if you want to obtain a positive result.

Willy is doing well, he’s still at the red stage, almost ready to go to the amber one, and with patience and the right encouragement I think he’ll be fully trained within a few weeks.

Thanks to Jo for her invention then, now I wonder if she’ll come out with a new method to train cats to flush the water toilet also! :mrgreen:

Love your cat, they’re so special.

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