The planned touch and go in Cannes to attend the 3GSM World Congress 2005 went all right except for the choice of plan B for the return trip.
I traveled there, had a walk on the seaside of Cannes, entered the 3GSM in its last day, had a quick but well pre-planned look around the booths, had the chance to meet with some people of the mobile business as well as unexpectedly finding a well known italian guy ;), I took some pics of the new mobile devices, then walk back to the train station to search for some place to rest in Ventimiglia, instead of Rapallo, as I initially planned.
Next year in Barcelona then, as the 3GSM next logo clearly states.
Now I’ve got all the weekend to take care of the e-mails I got following the release of the new version of EcPc.
Have a bit of patience if you’re waiting for a reply, ok? 🙂