A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

How true that sentence is!

Does “taking pictures is giving importance” for you too, as Susan Sontag said?

A post about photography gives me the idea to show you another selection of pics I took during the Vespatour.

The first one shows the front and the bell tower of Turin’s cathedral under a sky that snatched a “what a nice sky!” from a friend and ex-colleague when I was working for Trecision in Rapallo. A comment with double importance since it comes from an artist like him. 😉

Talking again about Turin, since I’ll attend to Telemobility Forum 2006 on wednesday, the second one shows the famous Piercing, a curious example of urban art made in 1996 on a building in Piazza Corpus Domini.

In the third one you can see the Ancient Clock Shed located in Piazza della Repubblica with the inscription Loving differences in different languages.

Duomo di TorinoTorino PiercingTorino Orologio


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