Incoming German translation and small bug spotted in Ecpc

Most probably the german translation of Ecpc will be the first one to be released since now two people are working on it, including a kind german from Hamburg, Heiko Heubach, who not only purchased a regular copy of the program, but also offered me his help for the translation! 🙂

He also has a website in german with information about the Canary Islands, so be sure to check it out!

Another new kind italian user, Mariano, from the beautiful city of Naples, reported a small bug related to the variants description of the german 2 Euro coin, year 2002, Mint mark A.

The bug has already been fixed and the fix will be included in the next release of Ecpc, but for those of you who can’t wait, feel free to contact me and I’ll send you an updated executable. 😉

Yesterday I did some swapping with a friend and Ecpc betatester, Stefano, so now I’ve uploaded his collection and my updated swap list in the swapping page.

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