End of The Year Thought 2006

ConanMaking a sum of a whole year?

365 days I lived more dangerously than ever? 😯

Well, a lot of things happened: the turning point on the project now called i-muse thanks to the two guys I put on alert with a simple SMS on last New Year’s Day, the hard work on the Net-Taylor innovation project for the Sartoria Orefice, the Vespatour, the summer solo-tour on my Vespa around Italy that opened my eyes on the beauties of our country, some books that made me change – not because they’re miraculous, but because I read them while I was ready to change -, the suffering for a love affair…

All of this while I was still working as a waiter in a local pub whose owner had the kindness to kick me out after an apocalyptic night, with no appeal and as I was the last one who got working there. A rudeness I did forgive but not forgot, since it has been a work which gave me much more than it may appear to whoever looks at it with the eyes of the right-minded. 🙄

All in all a lot of things that made me grow up. And the more I think about where I am now, the more I’m sure that nothing could have happened if I hadn’t been involved in the project of the Sartoria Orefice, where I found people so kind to confront and work with on an delicate innovation project which is now considered as a case study, a project that made me grow up both professionally and humanly.

As always, it’s a combination of positive factors producing excellence, while a negative one is enough to unleash Murphy’s law! 😉

Even the last year I wrote an End of the Year Thought 2005, but I didn’t published it, a sign of a not too happy period. I do it now on the new blog since I saved it in my notes. I invite you to read it because it’s still current, unfortunately.

I wish you a happy 2007, the year of the pig! 😀

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  1. #1 by Albegor on January 1, 2007 - 6:56 pm

    Riconoscete l’animale nell’immagine?
    E’ il pericolosissimo “maiale pezzato di Uro” del mio cartone preferito, Conan! :mrgreen:

    Do you recognize the beast in the picture?
    It’s the dangerous “Uro’s spotted pig” in my favorite cartoon, Conan the Futureboy! :mrgreen:

  2. #2 by Dido on January 2, 2007 - 10:25 am

    Il maiale pezzato di Uro mi ricorda molto il maialo setoloso di Attila … e visto che del maiale non si butta via nulla sarà un 2007 bello intenso !!! (… Conan mitico ! anche se preferivo Lana al selvaggio di Gimpsy !)

  3. #3 by Stefano on January 2, 2007 - 2:29 pm

    Forza e coraggio, che la vita riserva sempre delle sorprese.

    Di solito non smette mai di stupire.

  4. #4 by Albegor on January 2, 2007 - 7:48 pm

    Eh sì… Conan è proprio un cartone mitico. Quasi da lacrimoni di nostalgia quando l’ho rivisto tutto qualche anno fà.

    Ora ho i DVD in ufficio, ad uso e consumo degli appassionati&nostalgici vari. 😉

    Lana era una piagnucolona… vuoi mettere l’integerrimo capitano Deiss?

  5. #5 by Fox on January 4, 2007 - 6:22 pm

    Mi ha incuriosito la frase “perchè li ho letti mentre ero disposto a cambiare” , che libri hai letto?

  6. #6 by Albegor on January 4, 2007 - 6:49 pm

    Quelli di Roberto Re e i migliori degli autori da lui consigliati, da Dale Carnagie a John Gray etc…

    Ciao Fozze! 🙂

    La bandiera dei pirati è appesa qui ora! :mrgreen:

  7. #7 by Fox on January 5, 2007 - 6:37 pm

    Ma come!!! ce l’ho ancora io la bandiera 😀 sei venuto a rubarmela di notte?

  8. #8 by Albegor on January 5, 2007 - 7:07 pm

    Hai ragione, la tua è quella originale.
    Questa è uguale ma nera… più piratesca! 🙂
    Me l’aveva data la stessa persona nello stesso periodo… eoni fa ormai. 😉

  9. #9 by carne al fuoco on February 16, 2007 - 10:58 am

    Complimenti Albegor! bel blog

    Allora anno del maiale !!

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