I Want You For i-muse

This is the crazy leaflet Luca made to attract the attention on our stage offer, while this is the serious version with a detailed description of the offer and requirements.

It’s actually a search for an extraordinary person! 🙂

Joel Spolsky in his book Joel on Software, recommends searching for brilliant and results-producing people, qualities rarely coexisting in the same person.

Experience in this case isn’t relevant, we know we can’t pretend too much from a student, but it’s clear we’re going to invest in this person so that he or she could take an active role in the entrepreneurial project and watch i-muse grow together with us.

Considering the kind of job, a woman would have a great advantage, but this won’t be a discriminating factor.

A fine presence will, though, and this is not a joke!

Let’s say it: being fine-looking is pretty easy nowadays, it shows respect for yourself and for the people you have to relate to, while being smart is not at all. 😉

As marketing guru Seth Godin wrote: your references are your curriculum, so if you’d like to send it to us write them down before anything else and then write why you’d like to get involved in the project.

Just a few words will be ok, the essential making all the difference!

I want you

  1. #1 by Albegor on January 27, 2007 - 3:27 pm

    Siccome Luca è un grande per definizione ha fatto anche questa versione:


    Da appendere solamente in luoghi “compromettenti”! 😉

  2. #2 by Fox on January 27, 2007 - 7:08 pm

    hahaha bella l’immagine alternativa ^____^
    appoggio anche io l’idea della stagista femmina, always

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